Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Random topic - Politics, Hurricane Ike, and other issues

Isn't it amazing how politics can bring out the worst in some people? I know we have to deal with this topic all the time; however, we must be mindful of what we say and what we do. I am by all means, a liberal and support Senator Obama, but in the same sense, I respect conservatives and their beliefs as well. It is all about respect, people. Let's not allow the election to prevent us, as a country, from prospering. About a month ago, Hurricane Ike pretty much destroyed the tx gulf coast area-from galveston island to locations north of houston. I would say it reach about 80 miles inland of the coastal area as well as destroyed states east and north of texas. It was/is not a pretty thing. I, myself, was without water and power for almost 8 days and I have roof damage. It seems like the insurance companies are trying not to pay people. On my way home, daily, I see a collage of homes with blue tarp on them, evidence of Ike's destruction. I feel blessed to still have a home because many people in this area are still in shelters and/or permanently displaced due to their home being destroyed. I am saying all this to say this: When Ike came through, I met most of my neighbors. Before that, I only knew the people to the left and right of me, in which, I didn't really talk to them either. However, Ike made me get to know them because there was no air, power, or water. We do not realize how much we depend on modern technology - indoor plumbing, air conditioning, computers/internet - until we don't have access to it. Politics. Now as soon as everyone's power was restored, we ceased talking to one another. Literally. I have heard some nasty things being said about each presidential candidate - Obama and McCain. Some true, some not. It's just that, in my 32 years here on this Earth, I have seen and been witness to so much racism, it will last me a lifetime. Racism has a lot to do with politics. I don't care who says it doesn't; they are not telling the truth. Why is it that we are in one of the most developed countries in the world, but still practice invisible segregation/discrimination? It's everywhere - in the workplace, church, restaurants, grocery stores. We, as a people, will never be able to get away from racism until we stop practicing it. I have already come to the conclusion that I will never, in the rest of my days of life, see it disappear. What also seems to amaze me is the hatred that is displayed in the media. Everyone has to stick up for themselves and tell others about how they feel; however, there is a diplomatic way of doing this. After all, we are not all the same and we never will be. There is something that we all want, though, and that is a nation to belong to. The disagreeing is inevitable because everyone does not have the same morals or values, but getting to a common ground and agreeing to disagree can be achieved. As I stated, though, I don't see this happening in my lifetime. Another thing that I find interesting is the black/white issue. It seems like the only racism that really goes on in America (I am sure other nations as well) is between blacks and whites. There are a lot of other races here, but the most friction occurs between blacks and whites. This has a lot to do with the times of slavery. It has left an open wound in a many of people, namely American blacks. Will America ever overcome this? So, back to politics. Many people form their values around their political beliefs and it will be this way until a generation says, "Enough is enough, let's view people for the content of their character and not the color of their skin."